
ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is an international open, non-profit organization which supplies unique identities for researchers, a kind of civic registration number for researchers.

The objective of unique identifiers is to facilitate communication in research and reuse date between different databases and application systems. This also makes it possible to make good-quality and statistical and bibliometrical analyses.

Anyone can get an ORCID-id by registering on their homepage. It is also possible to register publications and certain other information from CVs.

Together with Forte and Formas, the Swedish Research Council has developed a joint application system and in May this year (2014), they decided to make ORCID compulsory for registration in Prisma. This means that in the future, a large share of the Swedish researchers will have an ORCID-id which makes it possible to uniquely identify researchers without using civic registration numbers.