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Sweden has a long tradition of ambitious active labour market policy with employment offices and many different labour market policy measures. The aim of the policy is to create durable higher employment and lower unemployment. When we evaluate labour market policy, its effects on unemployment and employment are thus in focus.
The evaluations are of two kinds: we study both the effects of the programme on participants (individual effects) and the effects that can emerge for other people than participants (macro effects).
Participant effects
The evaluations of individual effects deal with comparing programme participation with non-participation in order to thus be able to form a conclusion about what the effects of programmes are. The researcher can, for example, compare how quickly individuals in the respective group become employed, the share of individuals on social security in the respective group or the annual income of the groups in the following years.
Macro effects
Labour market policy also has a large number of possible effects on other people than the participants. Macro evaluations study what are the effects of the programmes on:
--matching between the number of vacancies and the number of job seekers
--direct crowding out (that programme participants get jobs that would otherwise have been regular jobs)
--wage formation
--labour force participation
--total unemployment through all the above mentioned channels.
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Rusta och matcha - Vad händer hos privata leverantörer av arbetsmarknadsinsatser?
Martin Lundin Martin Söderström Kristina Sibbmark
En utvärdering av Stockholms stads sommarjobbsprogram för unga 2012–2018
Daniel Knutsson Björn Tyrefors
Arbetsmarknadsetablering bland flyktingar och deras anhöriga i Sverige, Norge och Danmark
Linus Liljeberg
Etnisk yrkessegregering på arbetsmarknaden – har diskriminering någon betydelse?
Magnus Bygren Moa Bursell
(Kommunala) insatser för att underlätta arbetsmarknadsinträdet för flyktingar och deras anhöriga
Mattias Engdahl Anders Forslund Ulrika Vikman
Invandrade lärares erfarenheter efter Snabbspåret för lärare och förskolelärare och kompletterande lärarutbildningar
Catarina Enemou Elin Ennerberg
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Labor market effects of a youth summer employment program in Sweden
Daniel Knutsson Björn Tyrefors
The making of ethnic segregation in the labor market -Evidence from a field experiment
Magnus Bygren Moa Bursell
Deservingness and street-level decision-making. Two survey experiments on the use of discretion in the public sector
Josefin Häggblom Martin Lundin
Policies for young adults with reduced work capacity
Caroline Hall Inés Hardoy Kristine von Simson
Replacing student grants with loans. Evidence from a Swedish policy reform.
Gunnar Brandén
No activation without reconciliation? The interplay between ALMP and ECEC in relation to women employment unemployment and inactivity in 30 OECD countries 1985-2018
Rense Nieuwenhuis