Projektanknutna forskare

  • Bjørn C. V. Nielsen

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    VIVE – The Danish Center for Social Science Research

  • Doktorand Aino-Maija Aalto

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Doktorand Edoardo Acabbi

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    Harvard University

  • Professor Jérome Adda

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    Università Boccini

  • Docent Per Adman

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Fil.dr Linuz Aggeborn

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Fil.dr Rafael Ahlskog

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Fil.dr Ulrika Ahrsjö

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    Handelshögskolan i Stockholm

  • Doktorand Christine Alamaa

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    Stockholms universitet

  • Doktorand Mattias Almgren

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    IIES, Institutet för internationell ekonomi

  • Fil.dr Adam Altmejd
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    Stockholms universitet

  • Fil.dr Elvira Andersson

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    Lunds universitet

  • Fredrik Andersson

  • Fil.dr Henrik Andersson

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Fil.dr Josefine Andersson

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  • Ph.D. Klas Andersson

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    Göteborgs universitet

  • Lisa Andersson

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    Stockholms universitet

  • Fil.dr Nikolay Angelov

  • Doktorand Laura Ansala

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    Helsingfors stad

  • Thomas Aronsson

  • Doktorand Zeynep Atabay

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Professor Susan Athey

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    Stanford University

  • Fil.dr Esteban Aucejo

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    London School of Economics and Political Science

  • Professor Ghazala Azmat

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    Sciences Po

  • Doktorand Gualtiero Azzalini

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    Institute for International Economic Studies, Stockholm University

  • Doktorand Malin Backman
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    Uppsala universitet

  • Neele Balke
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    Kenneth C. Griffin Dept. of Economics, University of Chicago

  • Assistant professor Thomas Barbanchon

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    Bocconi University

  • Fil.dr Cristina Barcelo

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    Spanish Central Bank

  • Fil.dr Anki Bengtsson

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    Stockholms universitet

  • Assistant professor Heléne Berg

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    Stockholms universitet

  • Doktorand Agneta Berge

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    IIES, Institutet för internationell ekonomi

  • Fil.dr Zara Bergsten

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Fil.dr Ida Bertell

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    Stockholms universitet

  • Fil.dr Antoine Bertheau

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    University of Copenhagen

  • Professor Sonia Bhalotra

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    University of Essex

  • Fil.dr Shubhaa Bhattarcharyya
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    Handelshögsolan i Stockholm

  • Debora Pricila Birgier

  • Doktorand Evelina Björkegren

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Professor Anders Björklund

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    SOFI, Stockholms universitet

  • Fil.dr Sandra E. Black

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    University of Texas at Austin

  • Professor emeritus Sören Blomquist

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    Uppsala Universitet

  • Docent Tomer Blumkin

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    Ben-Gurion universitetet i Negev

  • Fil.dr Madelen Bodin

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    Umeå universitet

  • Assistant professor Michael Boehm

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    Universität Bonn

  • Forskningsassistent Milosz Bolibrzuch

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Doktorand Valentin Bolotnyy

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    Harvard University

  • Professor Stéphane Bonhomme

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    University of Chicago

  • Bitädande universitetslektor Teodora Borota Milicevic

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Fil.dr Marieke Bos

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    Handels högskolan

  • Docent Anne Boschini

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    Stockholms universitet

  • Doktorand Cristina Bratu

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Fil.dr Mary Ann Bronson

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    Georgetown University

  • Doktorand Marion Brouard

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  • Fil.dr Tabea Bucher-Koenen

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    Munich Center for the Economics of Aging (MEA)

  • Visiting professor Joyce Burnette

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    Lunds universitet

  • Fil.dr Moa Bursell

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    Institutet för framtidsstudier

  • Doktorand Emil Bustos
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    Stockholm School of Economics

  • Fil.dr Sebastian Butschek

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    Innsbrucks universitet

  • Professor Magnus Bygren

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    Stockholms universitet

  • Fil.dr Martin Bøg

  • Fil. dr Love Börjeson

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    Handelshogskolan i Stockholm

  • Professor Marco Caliendo

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    Potsdam university

  • Fil.dr Magnus Carlsson

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  • Professor Mikael Carlsson

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Maria Cheung

  • Professor Phillipe Choné

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    Centre de Recherche en Économie et Statistique (CREST)

  • Doktorand Love Christensen
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    Göteborgs universitet

  • Fil.dr Margarita Chudnovskaya

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    Stockholms universitet

  • Assisterande Professor Damian Clarke

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    Universidad de Chile

  • Assistant professor Alex Clymo

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    University of Essex

  • Professor Bart Cockx

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    Ghent University

  • Assistant Professor Patricia Cortes

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    Boston University

  • Fil.dr Ana Costa-Ramón

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    University of Zurich

  • Assistant professor Ana Costa-Roman

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    University of Zurich

  • Doktorand Thomas Sebastiaan Crol

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Fil.dr Axel Cronert

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Professor assistent James J. Crowley
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    University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, US, Karolinska Institutet

  • Doktorand Iman Dadgar

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    Stockholms universitet

  • Professor Gordon Dahl

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    University of California, San Diego

  • Associate Professor Rafaela Dancygier

  • Postdoktor Rama Dasi Mariani

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    Sapienza University of Rome

  • Fil.dr Christine Dauth

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    IAB (The Institute for Employment Research )

  • Fil.dr Christopher Dawes

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    New York University

  • Professor Giuseppe De Arcangelis

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    Sapienza University of Rome

  • Doktorand Yuwei De Gosson de Varennes

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Civilekonom Peter de Jonge

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  • Fil. dr Ema Demir

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    Handelshogskolan i Stockholm

  • Doktorand Nathan Deutscher

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    Crawford School of Public Policy

  • Professor Paul Devereux

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    University College Dublin

  • Docent Edoardo Di Porto

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    University of Napels Fededrico II

  • Fil.dr Lisa Dickmanns

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    University of Cologne

  • Ph.D. André Diegmann (né Nolte)

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    Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), Mannheim

  • Fil.dr Jens Dietrichson

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    Lunds universitet

  • Professor Will Dobbie

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    Harvard Kennedy School, NBER

  • Fil.dr Magdalena Dominguez

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  • Fil.dr Mitchell Downey

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    Stockholms universitet

  • Professor Nadja Dwenger

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    University of Hohenheim

  • Fil.dr Catarina Economou

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    Malmö universitet

  • Fil dr Johan Egebark

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  • Docent Constanze Eib

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Fil. dr Tove Eliasson

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Docent Mikael Elinder

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Erik Elldér

  • Fil.dr Elin Ennerberg

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    Malmö universitet

  • Fil.dr Anita Eriksson

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    Högskolan i Borås

  • Fil.dr Sebastian Escobar

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Doktorand Tiernan Evans

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    London School of Economics

  • Forskningsassistent Nada Faraj

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    Stockholms universitet

  • Fil.dr Helmut Farbmacher

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    Munich Center for the Economics of Aging (MEA)

  • Professor Raquel Fernández

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    New York University, Department of Economics

  • Fil.dr Sofia Frankenberg

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    Stockholms universitet

  • Docent Emma Fransson

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Docent Henrik Friberg-Fernros

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    Göteborgs universitet, statsvetenskap

  • Assistant professor Benjamin Friedrich

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    Northwestern University

  • Ulf G. Gerdtham

  • Fil. dr. Demid Getik

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    Durham University

  • Docent Thomas Giebe

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  • Doktorand Adam Gill

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Fil.dr Rita Ginja

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Doktorand Mathilde Godard

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    CREST, Centre de Recherche en Economie et Statistique

  • Fil.dr Andrei Gorshkov

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Doktorand Lagu Govender

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  • Forskningsassistent Jakob Granath

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Forskningsassistent Olivia Granström

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Doktorand Ricard Grebol

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Professor Gustaf Gredebäck

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Docent Julien Grenet

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    Paris School of Economics

  • Research assistant Raphael Gruber

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    Munich Center for the Economics of Aging (MEA)

  • Doktorand Lutz Gschwind

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Professor Soffia Gudbjörnsdóttir

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    Göteborgs universitet

  • Professor Oliver Guertler

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    Kölns universitet

  • Andreas Gulyas

  • Doktorand Kristin Gunnarsson

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Doktorand Dogan Gülümser

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Professor Nicole Gürtzgen

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    University of Regensburg

  • Adele H. Wang

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    University of Bristol, School of Economics

  • Fil.dr Carla Haelermans

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    Maastricht University

  • Fil. Dr. Johannes Hagen

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    Internationella handelshögskolan, Jönköpings universitet

  • Doktorand Vivika Halapuu

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Fil.dr Daniel Hallberg

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  • Forskningsassistent Mattias Hallberg

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    IIES (Institutet för internationell ekonomi, Stockholms universitet)

  • Docent Karin Halldén

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    Stockholms universitet

  • Fil.dr Daniel Halvarsson

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    Ratio, Näringslivets forskningsinstitut

  • Professor John Ham

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    National University of Singapore

  • Fil.dr Olle Hammar

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    Institutet för Näringslivsforskning (IFN), Stockholm

  • Professor Emanuel Hansen

  • Fil.dr Niels-Jakob Harbo Hansen

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    Stockholms universitet

  • Research professor Inés Hardoy

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    Institute for Social Research, Oslo

  • Fil dr. Jarkko Harju

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    VATT Helsingfors

  • Fil.dr Martin Harling

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    Göteborgs universitet

  • Docent Laura Hartman

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    Laura Hartman AB

  • Doktorand Anna Hasselqvist

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    University of Munich

  • Docent Karin Hederos

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    Stockholms universitet

  • Assistant professor Christoph Hedtrich

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    Nationalekonomiska institutionen, Uppsala universitet

  • Doktorand Sofia Hernnäs

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Doktorand Edvin Hertegård

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Docent Petra Herzfeld Olsson

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    Stockholms universitet

  • Professor Antoinette Hetzler

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    Lunds universitet

  • Fil.dr Michal Hodor

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    Coller School of Management at Tel Aviv University.

  • Fil.dr Johan Holmberg

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    Umeå Universitet

  • Fil.dr Kerstin Holzheu

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    Scienses Po Paris

  • Fil.dr Pia Homrighausen

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    IAB(Institute for Employment Research of the Federal Employment Agency)

  • Professor Bo Honoré

  • Doktorand Mohammad Zariab Hossain

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Professor V. Joseph Hotz

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    Duke university

  • Doktorand Paul Hufe

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    LMU, München

  • Fil. dr Abigail Hurwitz

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    The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  • Fil.dr Iftikhar Hussain

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    University of Sussex

  • Fil.dr Christina Håkanson

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    Finanspolitiska rådet

  • Doktorand Martin Häggkvist

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Fil.dr Pathric Hägglund

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  • Doktorand Henrik Hällerfors

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Professor Andrea Ichino

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    European University Institute (EUI)

  • MD, PhD Stavros Iliadis

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Doktorand Elisavet Illiadi

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Fil.dr Andrea Iossa

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    Högskolan Kristianstad

  • Doktorand Daniel Jahnson

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Professor Stefan James
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    Uppsala kliniska forskningscentrum (UCR)

  • Fil.dr Joakim Jansson

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    Stiftelsen Institutet för näringslivsforskning

  • Fil. dr Shaobo Jin

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Med.dr Gun Johansson

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    Karolinska institutet

  • Fil.lic Satu Johansson

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    Centric Labs

  • Forskningsassistent Tamilla Johansson

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    Stockholms universitet

  • Docent Knut-Eric Joslin

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    Kristiania University College

  • Professor Bengt Järvholm

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    Umeå universitet

  • Fil.dr Mounir Karadja

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    Uppsala univeristet

  • Med.dr Berndt Karlsson

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    Vänsterbottens läns landsting

  • Doktorand Kristina Karlsson

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Fil.dr Niklas Kaunitz

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  • Assisterande professor Iris Kesternich

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    Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

  • Doktorand Seyedehnegar Khaliliaraghi

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    Lunds universitet

  • Fil. dr. Akib Khan

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Lektor Nils Kirsten

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Fil dr Gustav Kjellsson

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    Lunds universitet

  • Fil.dr Eva Klope
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  • Doktorand Daniel Knutsson

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    Stockholms universitet

  • Doktorand Johannes Kochems

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    University of Mannheim

  • Fil.dr Eugen Koev

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    University of Helsinki and Akava

  • Ekon.dr Martin Korpi

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    Ratio, Näringslivets forskningsinstitut

  • Professor Tomas Korpi

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    SOFI, Stockholms universitet

  • Fil.dr Tuomas Kosonen

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    Labour Institute for Economic Research, Helsingfors

  • Professor Francis Kramarz
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    CREST-INSEE, Malakoff Cedex

  • Doktorand John Kramer

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    IIES, Institutet för internationell ekonomi

  • Professor Per Krusell

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    IIES, Stockholms universitet

  • Fil.dr Max Kunaschk
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    IAB Nuremberg

  • Forskningsassistent Tsz Chun Kwok

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Postdoktor David Källberg

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    Umeå universitet

  • Fil. dr. Johanna Köpsén

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    Linköpings universitet

  • Fil.dr Anton Lager

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    Karolinska institutet

  • MD Bo Lagerqvist
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    Uppsala kliniska forskningscentrum (UCR)

  • Fil. dr Thibaut Lamadon

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    University College London

  • Professor Camille Landais

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    London School of Economics

  • Fil.dr Julia Lang
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    IAB Nuremberg

  • Fil.dr Jonas Larsson Taghizadeh

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Myong Jae Lee

  • Fil.dr Wenli Li

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    Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia

  • Fil.dr Che-Yuan Liang

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Professor Matthew Lindquist

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    Stockholms universitet, Institutet för social forskning

  • Professor Erik Lindqvist

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    Stockholms universitet

  • Fil.dr Annika Lindskog

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    Göteborgs universitet

  • Docent Jeremy Lise

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    University college London

  • Doktorand Jakub Lisowski

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Doktorand Jinci Liu

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    Stockholms universitet

  • Doktorand Tianze Liu

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Benjamin Lochner

  • Doktorand Charlotte Lucke
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    Stockholms Universitet

  • Doktorand Erik Lundberg

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Professor Petter Lundborg

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    Lunds universitet

  • Professor Christer Lundh

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    Göteborgs universitet

  • Fil.dr Andreas Lundin

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    Karolinska institutet

  • Fil.dr Jonas Lundstedt

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  • Ida Lykke Kristiansen

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    Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen

  • Assistant Professor Bettina M. Siflinger

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    Tilburg University

  • Fil.dr Måns Magnusson

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    Uppsala Universitet, Statistiska institutionen

  • Doktorand Robert Mahlstedt

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  • Doktorand Tekle Makashvili

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Doktorand Hannes Malmberg

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    Stockholms universitet

  • Assistent professor Elena Manresa

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    New York University

  • Fil.dr Simen Markussen

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    Ragnar Frisch Centre for Economic Research, Oslo

  • Docent Simen Markussen

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    Ragnar Frisch Centre for Economic Research

  • Doktorand Linna Martén

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Doktorand Georg Marthin

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    Stockholms universitet

  • Doktorand Patrizia Massner

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    Stockholms univesitet

  • Professor David Mataix-Cols
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    Karolinska Institutet

  • Fil dr Elena Mattana

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    Handelshögskolan i Stockholm

  • Doktorand Ursula Mattioli Mello

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    Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

  • Senior economist Bashkar Mazumder

  • Carina Mellberg

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    Stockholms universitet

  • Doktorand Dingquan Miao

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  • Docent Guy Michaels

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    London School of Economics

  • Professor Luca Micheletto

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    University of Milan

  • Fil.dr Larissa Mickwitz

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    Stockholms universitet

  • Docent Renate Minas

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    Stockholms universitet

  • Ylva Moberg

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Professor Magne Mogstad

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    University of Chicago

  • Assisterande professor Patrick Moran

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    Department of Economics at the University of Copenhagen

  • Fil. dr Giuseppe Moscelli

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    University of Surrey, Guildford, U.K.

  • Assistant professor Christian Moser

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    Colombia Business School

  • Fil.dr. Dagmar Müller

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Forskare Gerrit Müller

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    Institute for Employment research

  • Professor Mats Myrberg

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  • Docent Jonas Månsson

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  • Universitetslektor Jette Möller

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    Karolinska institutet

  • Docent Arash Nekoei

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    Institutet för internationell ekonomi

  • Fil.dr Ville Niemelä

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    University of Helsinki

  • Fil.dr Rense Nieuwenhuis

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    Stockholms universitet

  • Fil.dr Susan Niknami

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    Stockholms universitet

  • Fil.dr Till Nikolka
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    ifo Center for International Institutional Comparisons and Migration Research

  • Forskningsassistent Gabriel Nilsen

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Doktorand Emily Nix

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    Yale University

  • Biträdande lektor Mattias Nordin

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Dr. Ashley Nordsletten
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    University of Michigan, US, Karolinska Institutet

  • Fil.dr Karin Nordström

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    Linköpings universitet

  • Fil. dr Anna Norén

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Fil.dr Pär Nyman

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Professor Henry Ohlsson

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Fil.dr Yoko Okuyama

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Professor Claudia Olivetti

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    Boston College

  • Fil.dr Elisabet Olme

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    Göteborgs universitet

  • Docent, lektor Sven Oskarsson

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Professor Joakim Palme

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Professor Mårten Palme

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    Stockholms universitet

  • Docent Jessica Pan

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    National University of Singapore

  • Docent Alexandru Panican

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    Lunds universitet

  • Doktorand Manuel Pannier

  • Assistant Professor Alexander Paul

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    Aarhus University and TrygFonden’s Centre for Child Research, Denmark

  • Charlotte Paulie

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Professor Andreas Peichl

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    Ifo institut och LMU, München

  • Doktorand Qingyan Peng

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    Uppsala universitet

  • MSc Rebecka Persson

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    Lunds universitet

  • Professor Barbara Petrongolo
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    Queen Mary University of London

  • Fil.dr Fabian T. Pfeffer

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    Michigans Universitet

  • Doktorand Tram Pham

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Postdoktor Ariel Pihl

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    Göteborgs universitet

  • Fil dr Ronnie Pingel

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Docent Luigi Pistaferri

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    Stanford University

  • Fil.dr Catarina Player-Koro

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    Göteborgs universitet

  • Professor Erik Plug

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    University of Amsterdam

  • Fil.dr Cecilia Orellana Pozo

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    Karolinska Institutet

  • Mikael Priks
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    Stockholm University

  • Doktorand Andrew Proctor

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  • Professor Helmut Rainer

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    University of Munich

  • Doktorand Lovisa Rambjer

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Fil.dr Maria Rasmusson

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  • Assistant Professor Roland Rathelot

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    The University of Warwick

  • Doktorand Patrick Reich

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    ifo Institute, Munich

  • Ph.D. Steffen Reinhold

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    E.CA Economics, Germany and Max Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy (MEA)

  • Fil.dr Luca Repetto

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Doktorand Jonatan Riberth

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    Stockholms universitet

  • Assistant Professor Marius Ring

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    University of Texas, Austin.

  • Jean-Marc Robin

  • Biträdande universitetslektor Ana Rodrigues-Gonzalez

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    Lunds universitet

  • Fil.dr Knut Roed

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    Ragnar Frisch Centre for Economic Research, Oslo

  • Docent Knut Roed

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    Ragnar Frisch Centre for Economic Research

  • Fil.dr Adam Rosen

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    University College London

  • Doktorand Paula Roth

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Fil.dr Magnus Rödin

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    Stockholms universitet

  • Assistant professor Raffaele Saggio

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    University of British Columbia

  • Docent Torsten Santavirta

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  • Fil.dr Matti Sarvimäki

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    Aalto university

  • Professor Assistant Amelie Schiprowski

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    Bonns universitet

  • Fil.dr Henk Schouten

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Doktorand Dominika Seblova

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  • Professor David Seim

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    Stockholms Universitet

  • Fil. dr Ida Seing

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    Linköpings unversitet

  • Ph.D. Niklas Selberg

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    Lunds universitet, Juridiska institutionen

  • Assistant professor Alireza Sepahsalari

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    Bristol University

  • Fil.dr Bradley Setzler

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    University of Chicago

  • Doktorand Rinni Sharma

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Dr. Anna Sidorchuk
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    Karolinska Institutet

  • Professor Sebastian Siegloch

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    University of Mannheim

  • Assistant professor Josef Sigurdsson

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    Bocconi University

  • Fil.dr Lisa Krystyna Simon

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    Stanford University

  • Fil.dr Erik Sjödin

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    Stockholms universitet

  • Docent Per Skedinger

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    Institutet för näringslivsforskning

  • Fil.dr Pia Skott

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Assistent Hannes Skugghall

  • Professor Alex Solis

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Docent Maria Stanfors

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    Lunds universitet

  • Docent Anders Stenberg

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    Stockholms universitet

  • Olof-Johansson Stenman

  • Docent Helena Olofsdotter Stensöta

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  • Professor Gesine Stephan

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    IAB(Institute for Employment Research of the Federal Employment Agency)

  • Lektor Ola Strandler

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    Göteborgs universitet

  • Fil.dr Jan Stuhler

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    Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

  • Professor Christian Ståhl

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    Linköpings universitet

  • Doktorand Anton Sundberg

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Docent Daniel Sundberg

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  • Doktorand Elin Sundberg

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Jan Sundquist

  • Docent Helena Svaleryd

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Doktorand Joakim Svärdh

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    KTH – Skolan för teknikvetenskaplig kommunikation och lärande

  • Docent Jenny Säve-Söderbergh

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    Stockholms universitet

  • Doktorand Khayyam Tayibov

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  • Lektor Peter Rono Thingholm

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    Aarhus University

  • Fil.dr Katarina Thorén

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    Stockholms universitet

  • Professor Lena Tibell

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    Linköpings universitet

  • Lucas Tilley

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Assisterande professor Linh T. Tô

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    Boston University USA

  • Doktorand August Torngren Wartin

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    Lund University

  • Utredare Hsing-Fen Tu

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    Uppsala univeristet

  • Ekon.dr Björn Tyrefors

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    Stockholms universitet

  • Universitetslektor Monika Törnsén

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    Umeå universitet

  • Fil.dr Rickard Ulmestig

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  • PhD Sander van Beek

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    University of Groningen

  • Professor Bas van der Klaauw

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    VU University Amsterdam

  • Maaike van der Vleuten

  • Professor Greet van Hoye

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    Ghent University

  • Doktorand Raoul van Maarseveen

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Fil.dr Julian Vedeler Johansen

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    Norwegian School of Economics

  • Docent Kåre Vernby

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    Stockholms universitet

  • Professor Jonas Vlachos

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    Stockholms universitet

  • Fil.dr Kristine von Simson

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    Institute for Social Research, Oslo

  • Doktorand Viking Waldén
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    Handelshögskolan i Stockholm

  • Professor Daniel Waldenström

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    Institutet för näringslivsforskning (IFN)

  • Forskarassistent Olivia Wallner

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    Stockholms universitet

  • Fil.dr Martin Weidner

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    University College London

  • Doktorand Daniel Weishaar

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    LMU, München

  • Forskare Andreas Westermark

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    Sveriges Riksbank

  • Doktorand Alexander Willén

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    Cornell University

  • Fil.dr Sébastien Willis

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Universitetslektor Mikael Winberg

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    Umeå universitet

  • Fil.dr Astrid Wurtz Rasmussen

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    Aarhus School of Business, Aarhus University, Denmark

  • Doktorand Pengpeng Xiao

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    Yale University

  • Doktorand Yaroslav Yakymovych

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Fil.dr Pär Zetterberg

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Biostatistiker Johan Zetterqvist

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    Karolinska Institutet

  • Fil.dr Xingwu Zhou

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Doktorand Lennart Ziegler

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    UV University Amsterdam

  • Doktorand Valentin Zulj

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Fil.dr Mattias Öhman

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    Uppsala universitet

  • Professor Robert Östling

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    Handelshögskolan i Stockholm

  • Fil.dr Gülay Özcan

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